YouTube Уроки Arduino #7 – подключение светодиода В этом уроке рассмотрим подключение светодиодов к Arduino, научимся рассчитывать токоограничивающий резистор, ... source 2023.02.16 YouTube
YouTube First test of the electronics. Now it's time to program the Arduino. source 2023.02.16 YouTube
YouTube Arduino#0 Wie? Was? Wo? anschließen Was man wo anschließen kann an so einem Arduino, darum geht is diesem Video. Außerdem: welche Typen gibt es? Wie viel ..... 2023.02.16 YouTube
YouTube PROGETTO Arduino: Stazione qualità dell'aria Progettiamo una stazione della qualità dell'aria con Arduino Nano, un display TFT ILI9341 e due sensori per rilevare ani... 2023.02.15 YouTube
YouTube Arduino Nano running at 32Mhz (WAVGAT) I ordered two WAVGAT Arduino Nanos from e-bay. Instead of Atmel's ATMEGA328P it has WAVGAT AVGA328P chip on it (a ... so... 2023.02.15 YouTube
YouTube 【自製感測器#10】讓Arduino撥放錄音檔,不使用Mp3模組,就可以讓喇叭發出各種聲音 單純使用Arduino就可以撥放各種樂器聲,還有講話的聲音音檔轉譯軟體以及原文敘述: PCM ... source 2023.02.15 YouTube
YouTube Control an Arduino Uno From C# in Visual Studio Here's a quick way to control an Arduino Uno microcontroller from Visual Studio using C#. No external libraries or 3rd p... 2023.02.15 YouTube
YouTube 📟What is Arduino Uno | All Basic Concept of Arduino Uno I AT mega 328 IC #ytshorts #unboxing #cable ARDUINO UNO This can be used for- Electronic Devices Robotics Projects Electronics Projects Programing What is a ARDUINO... 2023.02.15 YouTube
YouTube Creación de Medidor de Altura, Usando: Arduino UNO y Sensor de Ultrasonido HC-SR04 Recursos guía y citas: Aquí encontraras, materiales, paso a paso, e información un poco mas profunda al respecto. source 2023.02.15 YouTube
YouTube Arduino Uno #shorts belajar arduino, arduino mudah, belajar arduino gampang, arduino uno, uno, basic arduino, arduino pemula, mengenal ardui... 2023.02.14 YouTube